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HAP is a form of social housing support provided by all local authorities. HAP means that local authorities can provide housing assistance for households who qualify for social housing support, including many long-term Rent Supplement recipients.

HAP new dedicated website -

Delivering the Digital Age

Event Date : 26th April 2017 - 25th May 2017

Your guide to digital innovation and GDPR compliance

5 Stages of a Bill

5 Stages of a Bill

For more information

Download PDF

Dun Laoghaire is set for a summer of celebrations to mark the Harbours 200th anniversary. The Dun Laoghaire Harbour Bicentenary Steering Group has announced its programme of activities to coincide with the milestone event.

The Opening Ceremony will be officiated by President Michael D Higgins & the groups Patron Minister Mary Mitchell O Connor on 31st May.

An archive of agenda and minutes for Council, committee and sub-committee meetings. You can find documents either by searching by keywords or by browsing through committees. Once located, you can view documents within your browser. If a document is located by searching by keywords, you have the option of downloading extracts of documents, rather than the whole file.

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